Sodium Phosphate

Sodium phosphates are popular in commerce in part because they are inexpensive and because they are nontoxic at normal levels of consumption. However, oral sodium phosphates when taken at high doses for bowel preparation for colonoscopy may in some individuals carry a risk of kidney injury under the form of phosphate nephropathy. There are several oral phosphate formulations which are prepared extemporaneously. Oral phosphate prep drugs have been withdrawn in the United States, although evidence of causality is equivocal.  Since safe and effective replacements for phosphate purgatives are available, several medical authorities have recommended general disuse of oral phosphates.



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Sodium Phosphate



1.62 g/cm³

Molecular Weight/ Molar Mass

163.94 g/mol

Boiling Point

100 °C

Melting Point

1,583 °C

Chemical Formula



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